He’s here!

Baby boy made his way into the world early this morning. Birth was... fun.

Long story short, my dr sent me to L&D because I was 5 cm dilated, had a contraction in her office that she could see but I couldn’t even feel.

They admitted me, but by that time I was a 6, still not feeling any contractions.

I got to an 8 without feeling anything but then the pain hit me all at once and I begged for an epidural because I was at an 8 for 4 hours with awful contractions trying not to throw up from the pain.

The epidural made me comfortable enough to take a 2 hour nap. Thank god!

When I woke up, I could feel everything and the button they gave me wasn’t working and they didn’t believe me. 😒

An hour later, it was time to push. I pushed for 3 hours and was about 5 seconds from giving up before they decided to do a tiny cut and little guy slid right out with 2 more pushes.

I’ve never felt such relief in my life!

When they went to take the epidural out the nurse was shocked to find it wasn’t in anymore... as if I didn’t tell them I could feel everything! But it’s fine, my original plan was no epidural the begin with. So in a way I feel like I didn’t have one haha


Lincoln John

10/18/19 @6:08am

7lbs 0oz and 20 inches

1 day before his due date

He’s so perfect and we couldn’t love him anymore