What's the point...update

Destiny • Mama to two gorgeously handsome boys 🧩👨‍👩‍👦‍👦💗🐾

Why bother trying to please and make everyone happy if in the end they lie to your face and still talk shit about you?....

I love my husband deeply... But his family has been a difficult egg patch to walk through. And now he's not even defending me...

He decides AFTER we have dinner with them to tell me how they really feel about me. Not voluntarily of course. I had to pry it out of him, and when I do, I realize not only are his parents and sister talking trash about me behind my back, but he's just giving them excuses to discuss their feelings instead of standing up for me, his wife and mother of his children. I've never felt more betrayed and disappointed by him.. When the tables were turned, I went off on my family and defended the crap outta my husband and made sure they never disrespected him or questioned our relationship or parenting again. And I told him about it right after it happened. He just spoke at length with both his mother and sister yesterday and let them say what they did without telling me about it until after our dinner with them this evening. I am so sick and tired of this shit. I've dealt with alot from his family, but I've just about had enough.

Who knew I needed to tell my husband he should defend me against allegations that are obviously not true...

I hate that he's stuck between his family and me, but I thought we were partners in this. Now I just feel lost

Well last night after I put the boys to bed, I told him we needed to talk. I calmly expressed my frustration with what his family had said about me, and my disappointment in him for not defending me to them. He said he was sorry, but then just sat around not saying another word for the rest of the evening. I went to lay down in bed and he never joined me. Just slept on the couch. Pretty much just cried myself to sleep, and got up the next morning to get everything ready for a day at Oaks Farm and he didn't bother to help, just sat around and waited until I was done to see if I needed him 🙄 such a dude thing to do. So my usually perky attitude was gone and i figured if he wasn't gonna talk to me, then two can play that game. Which in turn drove him nuts until I told him he needed to explain what last night was about. He said he felt like a horrible husband for not even flinching at what they said about me, when he should have. That he was just so caught up with keeping the peace, he forgot where certain lines were drawn.

Generally we have an amazing line of communication so last night was an odd one for me to deal with when he just shut down for awhile to reflect on what I said. And since we very rarely argue or fight about anything, it's almost foreign to us when we do. I'm so glad we're still able to talk like we did when we were best friends 💗