What are the chances?..

Lorena • Momma and Wife 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 everything will come in due time 🤍

So ladies... what are the chances of getting pregnant day of or before ovulation, having unprotected sex (accident- sometimes you just can’t stop....🤷🏻‍♀️) with girl on top..... just curious..

when my husband and I tried for our son, (whose 4 month just yesterday) he would be on top and I would lay there for 15 minutes to make sure the stuff got where it needed to.

In this case, I was on top and stayed there for a good 10 seconds thinking about What just happened.. then went to the bathroom and let gravity do it’s thing.

So what are the chances?

Also, I keep track on my CM and yesterday it was egg white and a few hours after we had sex, CM was egg white as well so I know for a fact I’m ovulating. Question is, does position make a difference in getting pregnant??..