I’m pregnant, my sisters infertility

Kelsey • Momma to baby 1 on earth and 2 in heaven ❤️‍🔥

I have to vent and I hope this doesn’t come off wrong..

My sister in law along with another two friends are having to do fertility treatments in hopes of having a baby. My heart goes out to them in so many ways.. I’ve been super supportive and they were the first I told about my pregnancy. I also stated when I told them that they can have all the time they need and/or distance because I know they are hurting. After telling my sister in law, she sends me this text:

I told her in person but the text before this that I sent her was about her pressuring me to tell my brother to “rip the bandaid off” in her words, before I was ready. I told her out of respect and felt like it was a slap in the face to have her pressuring me. It was a rocky road..

She’s been more supportive the past few weeks since having time to take it in.

One of my other “friends” has yet to see me because it’s painful and the OTHER friend I work with.. we were so close before this. Once she found out, everything changed. Instead of my coworkers saying “congratulations” they instead asked how SHE was.. she won’t discuss any of it with me really and says she’s trying to be supportive (which I believe she is) but says it’s too hurtful when I talk about anything to do with my pregnancy.

I feel like ive gone above and beyond to be there for them and help as much as I can (I know it’s a battle that I can’t understand or mend but I’m trying to be supportive in every other way) but I feel like this entire pregnancy has been about accommodating them and being understanding of them and their feelings instead of it being about me.. this is my first pregnancy.. and I’m by no means a selfish person. I know that they are hurting and I get that this is hard (again I know it’s different when you are actually in their shoes and I know I may never understand how they feel but I do try) but I just feel abandoned and feel guilt about the happiness I’m feeling about having a baby. I’m so excited and can’t share it with anyone with hurting someone.. and it’s miserable. And honestly I feel like it’s not fair to me or my baby either.. I’m just feeling really down and could use some words of advice or encouragement. I would never express how I feel to them out of fear of hurting them even more or coming off heartless