Life just isn’t going right.

This is going to be long and I’m going to try and word it so I can actually get all of your opinions cause I’m just generally stuck in life right now.

Let me start off with I am 21 years old, I work at a veterinary ER. 10-11 hour shifts of high stress work with maybe 2 days off in 2 weeks. My parents are getting divorced currently, the clinic is closing it’s doors December 27th.

Between finding a new job, a new place to live ( I’m also moving out in a few months for my own mental health...we will get to that in a moment.) my parents divorce, my abusive mother, and being treated like DIRT at work. I am stressed.

I have bipolar disorder, PCOS, anxiety, and depression. I’m trying so hard to figure things out..but I’ve been literally breaking down and getting massive stress migraines. Not sleeping, having mental meltdowns, crying constantly.

My mother is a control freak, mixed with

Narcissistic state of mind. She’s told me I’m sick I’m crazy, I’m a whore. Uses the fact I’m bipolar against me - we got into a fight last night and she got in my face and said “ I should of shipped you off to the fucking mental hospital.” On top of calling me an array of other things. I don’t get a break anymore. From ANYthing.

If anyone has advice on handling something like this or someone who’s been through similar please give me tips..I can’t live like this anymore.