Feeling guilty..

I just want to start off with asking for no character judgment, I would NEVER willingly sleep with anyone’s anything, that’s just not who I am at the core. I beyond respect other women.

So some backstory, there is this guy I used to occasionally hook up with earlier this year til about May. In May he started posting stories of this girl, and I basically concluded this was his gf. I was pretty bummed because even though we were more like fwb, it felt super out of nowhere. We then obviously stopped talking and hooking up.

So anyways flash forward to the beginning of school in like September, he sends me a random, “are you up,” text and if you know, you know what this means.. So I kind of brush it off because as far my knowledge here he still had a gf, I’m pretty sure he posted her earlier that same week. However I couldn’t be 100% positive because I muted him back in May so I didn’t have to see anything. Then a couple of weeks after that he sends me another a text asking me to come over after class, so I told him, “don’t you have a gf 💀” and to which he told me she broke up with him. I didn’t reply to that, so I just waited to see if any couple pictures came up or not for the next weeks. Nothing did or at least I didn’t see.

So come about a week ago, he texted me again wanting me to go over, I was hesitant since I had no real proof just his word. So I said no I was busy. Then the next day, I just thought F-it, I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt because what guy would be that desperate to really cheat on his gf.. And so I went over and we hooked up. And afterwards he was kind of distant and honestly a little rude, which usually he’s like super cuddly and sweet. I just figured maybe he’s really down on this break up or something.

After we hook up, he doesn’t text me again or ask me to go over. Which isn’t abnormal because in the past we’d only hook up like occasionally. But then I noticed last night he deleted me off Snapchat right after looking at my story?

So it got me thinking the worst, what if he didn’t even break up with his gf? I literally feel so sick to my stomach thinking about that because I would never knowingly do it. Do you think I missed something here? I feel so guilty and I don’t even know if I am. 😞 and I don’t even know how to confirm it or not, I don’t even know the girl at all and now I’m not even friends on snapchat with him.. But my intuition is telling me otherwise