Hey mamas!


I’m so excited to be in this journey with you all 💜

So tomorrow I’ll be 6 weeks with my first, and I’m just a ball of emotions already.

I (30) just wanted to introduce myself...maybe I’m feeling a little disconnected, or maybe it’s my ADD and having to be off my meds now buttttt buckle up here we go.

The father(28) is a coworker and we have/had a friends with benefits situation..well long story short, he didn’t pull out so I took plan B since this isn’t my ‘ideal’ situation..anyways, here we are 6 weeks along. I can’t help but feel like it’s divine timing or something. I was with my ex for 5 years and in that time I had 3 miscarriages and struggled so much within that relationship... wham bam thank you ma’am with Mike and here I am.

After telling him, he did tell me that he wants to be supportive/present for appointments/ actively involved...but he isn’t a “relationship person”...😒🙄 (I did tell him he can be as involved as little or as much as he wanted before he interrupted and told me the above statement)

Don’t get me wrong, I feel so lucky to finally experience this (btw, I try not to use phrases like:as long as it sticks, fingers crossed, etc, because I feel that brings doubt and negative energy I’m all about the positive vibes and manifestation ✌🏽).

I don’t know, I guess since we aren’t together (and funnily enough, I didn’t have an interest in dating him either but now...I don’t know. EMOTIONS GUYS) it doesn’t feel as genuine, or real or actually happening.

I’ve also been trying to give him his space and time to process everything.

I just don’t want to feel like I’m doing this alone and that’s kind of how I feel at the moment. I know I *can* do this alone, I’m not questioning that...I don’t know guys. I guess I just needed to vent this all out and I don’t know anyone who’s been in this situation so I don’t have anyone to talk to about it who’ll understand.

If you’ve made it this far, I thank you SO much for hanging in there through my jumbled, unstructured ramblings.

If you’d like to share your stories/advice/anything please do!

With love and positive vibes,


PS, also seeking advice from fellow ADD/ADHD mamas who’ve either chosen to stay medicated or to stop meds...how do you do life now? I didn’t realize how much my meds actually benefit my day to day life until now. I’m riding the struggle bus now for sure.