Finally Chose A Name Maybe?😂🤦

I posted before about name suggestions for our baby girl. Our first daughter is named Freya and I have been struggling SO much with choosing a name for this little one. I have the longest list of names that I love, but nothing seemed right, of course!

We had finally settled on Reeya, but I no longer like it because my husband started calling her Reeva which is his ex boss's daughter's name. It's a small thing, but I just don't feel comfortable naming her Reeya if he's just going to keep calling her Reeva. He was the one who chose Reeya by the way, so it's not like he can't pronounce it or anything..

Anyways!! I have been kinda set on Francesca since yesterday. 💛

(My list and choices change like all the time, so I'm not sure how definite this will be, yet.) 😂🤦🤦

My husband loves Frank Sinatra and I think it would be lovely to call her Frankie in honor of her daddy's favorite American singer (he is from India).

My husband wanted us to look for a name that would sort of match Freya, such as something ending in "ya" or an "F" name. Francesca just seems quite perfect so far.

Crossing my fingers that I don't change my mind and that he likes it! 😂😂😂🤦💛