Weaning 18 month old

Brittanie ♎️ • Mother of 3. 💗💙💙

I’m trying to wean my 18 month old son. I’m pregnant again, and I’m just totally over breastfeeding a toddler. I stopped at 14 months with my daughter. It was an easy transition with her.

Trying to wean him has been like pulling teeth. He’s always supplied with a drink, eats 3 meals and snacks a day. He’s good to go. I try to keep it exclusively for bedtime but all day he’s climbing on me and ripping at the neck of my shirt, and throwing an hour long tantrum when he doesn’t get what he wants. It’s the same routine at night, I feed him until he’s asleep then I have to rip my nipple out of his mouth with force. Then he wakes up and wails until he falls asleep again. The last 3 hours of sleeping at the end of the night, is him climbing into my bed and ripping at my shirt, crying and flailing because I won’t give it to him, and throwing his water bottle on the floor.

How do I transition him? I need some time off. I feel like I’ve been breastfeeding forever. I went pretty much from one child to the other, and I’m about to do it again.