Bisexual dating advice


Recently came out as Bisexual so dating/attraction to women is extremely new to me.

Over the summer I met this girl, I instantly was attracted to her. Over the past month or so we have started to get to know each other.

It has been very confusing because our interactions don’t feel like the typical friendship.

There are certain things she will do or say that makes me feel like there’s something more there but then again she’ll do things that make me think we are just friends.

I came out to her last week and she did not make any indication that she also was interested in women. So I figured she was straight and that was it.

Then a few days later she wanted to hang out again and she brought up my coming out post which went in to talking about online dating where she said that she was wanting to change her online profiles to interested in women.

Knowing that she is into girls I know I need to share my feelings with her while we are early in this relationship.

I texted her asking if I can take her on a date to a restaurant she mentioned wanting to try and she said yes. I’m am not sure though if she thinks this is a real date or a friendly thing

Any advice for when I have the conversation? I’m scared shitless.