Actually at a loss where to post this as it's about losing my father 💔

Let me start by saying sorry if this is the completely wrong group but I honestly don't know where else to post it.

August this year I lost my dad, at the time we actually wasn't talking so when I got the phone cal my entire word crumbled. I held on to some thing so stupid from the past that I should have just let go of but for some stupid unknown reason I couldn't!

It's been 3 months of complete hell and not a single day had got easier. I went to see him after he passed away before he got burried and I also attended his funeral, now this is where things get hard.

His wife (my step mother) didn't have the human decency to mention my fucking daughter at his service! HIS GRANDCHILD! His flesh and blood! Now I don't care that we wasn't speaking at the time of his death, my dad loved her more than any thing else on this entire planet and the bitch didn't even mention my daughter! So when I was stood at his graveside sobbing my damn heart out and trying my best to get every word out of a throat that feels clamped shut so tightly that it hurts to even speak, I made it known to every single person there including his wife that my baby was his world and shame on her for not mentioning her when just before the funeral she asked me how she was doing and that after the funeral we should meet up which at the time I agreed too until that happened at his funeral.

This absolutely destroyed even more than I already felt destroyed, it's bad enough losing your dad in the circumstances that you did and you've gotta love with the guilt every single day, but to not mention my child once or even apologize for not mentioning her is just low!

My body aches every single day for my dad, it's physically killing me! I put a brave face on for my girl but the moment she's in bed I breakdown to my partner and that's every single night, on top of that I'm pregnant with my second baby and right now I know I should be feeling over the moon but I feel so depressed and just just. Every thing is just black and dark and cold, I wish I could bring my dad back but I know it's impossible, of course it is.

I really don't know what I'm asking anyone for really just guess I need to vent a little as it's only my partner I have now so another ear would be great. If you've read this far thank you, and gold your loved ones a little tighter and tell them you love them that once more.

R.I.P Dad, your wings were ready but my heart was not. I will forever remain broken until my last dying breath. 💔