HELP!!! Newborn

Baby boy is 10 days old now and has been feeding every 20-45 minutes since his second day home from the hospital. The longest he will go without feeding is maybe an hour & a half but it’s rare. Lactation consultant said he’s latching perfect and I have an oversupply so he is definitely getting enough milk. I feel like he just uses me as a pacifier and he’s not even hungry so I tried a paci and he just spits it out after a few minutes and throws a fit again.

Also he WILL NOT sleep in his bassinet. Either of them. I have a halo swivel next to my bed and he hates it.

He doesn’t like being swaddled anymore since he loves his hands by his face but I feel like he feels too isolated when not swaddled.

The longest he’s slept was when I fell asleep while feeding him at 1:30 and woke up at 6 freaking out because I couldn’t believe I let myself do that, then as soon as I set him in his bassinet he woke up.

Im so sleep deprived and drained. I have a horrible fever and I’m still recovering and can barley move sometimes. this is all so much. ANY advice is very very much appreciated. I feel like such a failure.