Is it normal for a 13 year old boy to ask for pictures of an infant

Esther • I’m better than horrible. EMT and Respiratory Therapist

So there's this 13 year old boy that goes to my church who friended me on FB this summer. This kid has always But I thought that maybe he was just awkward. He commented on a picture I had posted of my 6 month old swimming asking if I had "anymore pictures of him swimming". (He was in a swim diaper and a swim shirt) I thought it was weird but ignored it. Now he asked me in person if I had any pictures I could show him of my baby who's now 9 months old. He's never asked fo naked pictures, but it just seems weird to me especially because he's kinda a weird kid. I don't think he has any kind of mental challenges that would affect his social skills, but maybe? I can't help but worry he's got some kind of issue and is looking at pictures of kids on the internet, plus he has a 6 year old sister at home. (Obviously worse case scenario.) Am I over thinking this? Should I be concerned or say anything?