Why isn’t infertility talked about more

No one talked about infertility. No one prepares you for the disappointment the heart ache and the sadness that it brings you every month. But every month we try again and hope that we see two strong lines. A lot of people don’t think twice and thing getting pregnant is so easy. For a lot of us it is not. We track ovulation everyday. We pray and pray that this is the month. We test and think we see a vvfl but at the bottom of our heart know that the line isn’t there. We say we give up but then keep trying and hoping. Infertility is one of the biggest struggles in my life. I want a baby so bad and for some reason my body will not let it happen. I am beyond heartbroken with this road I am on. I want to give up so bad but I can’t seem to do it. I wish we could be prepared for stuff like this. It is heartbreaking. No one talks about infertility and I think it should be talked about more. I hope everyone struggling gets pregnant , stays pregnant and has a very healthy pregnancy. 💜