How to deal with Jealousy.


I love my boyfriend. We’ve talked about marriage and are moving in together at the beginning of next year.

However anytime my past sex life comes up he gets super insecure and jealous. He tries not to hurt my feelings but then again he can’t help his own feelings. This has been a major problem in our relationship and I don’t know what to do about it.

We’ve tried talking about it to work through it but it typically just ends up with me getting upset, like he thinks less of me because of the people I’ve been with. Yes I had a very promiscuous time from 18-21 but I am in love with him and want to marry only him.

I just don’t know how to get past this and make our relationship stronger.

Any suggestions on how to put this in our past so that he can stop getting upset about the people I’ve been with and the things I’ve done?