When to lower Pack n Play?


FTM here and would love to know when to lower the pack n play to the lowest setting?

My son can sit unassisted but can't pull himself up yet. If we sit him, he will stay there for as long as he desires but he can't put himself in a sitting position on his own. He can roll both ways and has done so for a couple months now. He sleeps unswaddled and usually sleeps on his tummy.

Also, do we still use the mattress provided? My son currently uses this and has been since birth so he is used to this mattress. Or do we have to buy a new one? Wondering because the mattress is quite thin and has little padding.

I appreciate any advice or experiences from you ladies, Thank you!

** UPDATE: Thank you so much for all the tips and advice ladies!! You guys are the best, as always!!**