***UPDATE*** Period Weirdness

So in September I had 3 days of watery spotting when I wiped only, then a 4 day very watery period. In October I had watery spotting for 2 days then 2 days of watery spotting that was bright red so I’m calling it a period only off of color, however it still only happened when I wiped. I took a normal test and thought I saw a vvvfl but I’ve taken 2 digitals since both with a no result. I have a doctors appointment scheduled for next week but I’m starting to stress out about what’s wrong with me has ANYONE been through something similar and can give some insight?

I thought I was pregnant cuz I was constantly running to use the toilet, massively emotional, lightheadedness, joint pain. But no? What else could be going on? My period has NEVER been watery or light its usual full blown and 5-7 days (unfortunately). I’ve also had NO regular PMS cramping, but I have had back and shoulder and joint pain.


Apologies in advance this will be a pretty crappy update but I don’t want this to get ignored and people not to get answers. Will continue updating as I find out more. So I had my doctors appointment today. They did a urine pregnancy test which came back negative. Took a blood sample and are testing for anemia and hypothyroidism. Should get results back by the end of the week. Doctor (of course male) seemed unworried by the fact that my period is all messed up and becoming nonexistent and I’m having mood changes and joint pain and insomnia and increased libido and loss of appetite and said these things happen 🤬 I DON’T FEEL NORMAL!!! Anywho will update with blood test results end of the week.