Waiting on a dna test...


Alright, so my child’s father and I weren’t together when I got pregnant, but had been seeing each other for a couple months. The pregnancy was a complete accident- however once we found out I was pregnant and I made it clear I was keeping the pregnancy, he began to get very excited. We had our issues during my pregnancy, trying to find the line of his support since we weren’t a couple but having a child together etc. He promised a lot, came to dr appts, we had a gender reveal, etc.

He started dating someone, we stopped talking for the most part, and ultimately in the end he told me he wasn’t going to help at all until there was a dna test. So basically the whole plan we had put together was thrown away.

My baby is now 6 weeks old. We have started the process of the dna test but he is still refusing to meet her or help at all until it comes back positive. We talked somewhat regularly about the process of the paternity test/about the baby.

My question is, has anyone been through something similar? I don’t really know how to handle it. One part of me doesn’t want to talk to him about her or share pictures since he won’t even acknowledge she is his, but the other part of me wants to because I know(and I think he knows) she is his and naturally I want to talk about her with the her parent.