Would u go or no...

Long story but ima try to keep it short.

my husband and I are debating whether or not we should go to my grandparents for Thanksgiving. Reason why My Husband& I do not want to go , well i do but only to visit my grandparents & dad . so idk but my whole dad side of the family is going to be there & they’re just a bunch of gossipers which we don’t like..

My adoptive mother (biologically my aunt) stopped talking to me 4 days after my daughter was born (1yr ago) . Shes the type to get everybody against me. She even got my grandma to dislike me. But now my grandma wants me to go over..?? Lol

the last time i talked to my adoptive mother she said Horrible things to me! She was just verbally abusive & so shady towrds me when i was pregnant. I would cry @work in thw bathroom stalls bc of the stuff she would say thru text. Reason why i left her house to live w/ my husband bc of how she is. (We were living at his parents at the time)

Anyways , throughout the year i would just hear stuff from my dad letting me know that my adoptive mother had said when she sees me and my little family she’s not gona speak to me. And ik she wouldn’t bc she’s done that w/ her other kids & grandchildren. She would just mug. Or talk shit. She acts like she has all the $ in the world and would just rub shit in ur face & belittle u..

Well today i found out my other aunt (one who choked me when i was 15) had spoke to one of my sisters saying now that i have another baby she’s gonna try to talk to her mom bc she’s going to be stressed out and needs help. In reality , i dont need her help. I have my husband whos family fully supports me and our babies.

Would u go to thanksgiving w/ them or pass..

Only reason i dont want to go is bc i know my husband would feel very uncomfortable w/ my shit talking fam.

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