Just doesn’t get any easier


So I’ve been ttc for almost 3 years now. I had severe undiagnosed endometriosis that was removed in June this year. Still not pregnant though🙁 and the doc told us it usually happens pretty quick after that.

You would think that peeing on a pregnancy test would get easier seeming you know deep down it’s going to be negative, but there is always that tiny bit of hope that says just maybe this time it will be different. It never is 👎🏻☹️ this just sucks!! Why is it so hard.

I start ovulation induction this cycle, (whenever this period shows up) if it doesn’t work we will do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> early next year. I am just so over feeling these feelings over and over again!!!!

Any one else living this never ending emotional roller coaster?