Frustrated/venting post


My husband and I have been TTC for 1.5 years now.

Currently I am 2 days late, No period. Boobs hurt earlier, now nipples. I’m moody af and have taken like 6 preggo tests and stilllll negative.

Now I’m moody and screaming and snapping at everyone. I feel so pressured and am so anxious to have an answer. Of course I want the BFP but at this point I’m so concerned I’m just wanting a definitive answer.

All sort of doubts are running through my mind now, am I too old to be trying to give my younger husband this baby? What if we can’t conceive? Will I be ok? Will he? Should we adopt a Puppy? what if we miscarrie( no idea how to spell that)? Ahhhhh! I’ve been compulsively playing solitaire and peeing on sticks and snacking my ass off. Has anyone experienced this?