Guys are confusing???



So this guy I’ve known for almost a year has been weird lately. He asked me on a date back in June 2019 to which I agreed but then backed out because my aunt passed that weekend. After that I kinda just stopped talking to most people in my life due to personal issues. When college started back up in August I apologized to him having no expectation that he would even talk to me. Well he asked me out again came September. I agreed and we went to the movies. Nothing frisky happened and it was just a normal date. We then became close telling stories about our life, families, secrets etc. His friends and mine vouched that he seemed genuinely interested in me and everything else. He talked about wanting to meet my family and we made jokes about moving in together after graduation this year. After about two weeks I would make plans to stay at his house and he would fall asleep before I got done work every time and at this point things had already gotten intimate in the bedroom (we also ended up using no condoms). So he asks me on another date when I’m off of work and says that he has family stuff to do in the morning but I can stay on Sunday. Which I did, then he started getting even more distant. I asked what was going on and he basically said he was moving to Colorado when we graduated and didn’t want to promise me any commitment if it might not work out but we could still talk if I wanted. To which I felt used and lost respect for him by the fact he didn’t just come tell me about it in the first place. I asked to talk to him in person the next day and waited around an hour for him to never show up or reply to my text. His friends say he cares but always acts like a hard ass and won’t show it. Plus apparently from his past he has a lot of commitment issues. It’s been two days since I was supposed to meet him and he flaked and hasn’t said a word. I’m going to include screenshots, I just want some outside opinions on what you think is going on and if I should even try to talk to him at this point.

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I think you having feelings and being hurt a little is stopping you from seeing this clearly. I think the guy is being more than reasonable and he’s communicated it really well to you, most guys wouldn’t bother to reply like that or explain. It’s obvious he’s at a changing point in his life and a relationship between you two would just be really hard atm, making things more serious would only make it harder when he leaves. I think you need to accept he doesn’t want a long distance relationship and that both you guys are just at that time in your life you are still figuring your own things out and don’t have time to make a commitment. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you cause I can tell he does, things just get in the way sometimes and mutual feelings aren’t the only thing needed to make it work. Who knows what the future holds, you both might be ready in two years, both be more mature and a relationship at that time may be better than it even could have been now.