SO is an alcoholic


This will be long so if you finish reading till the end thank you.

My so and I have been together for two years. I always knew he had a drinking problem but recently it has really took a toll on our relationship. When we first got together he was pulled over for a dui. I was the one who actually bailed him out because he had a brand new job to start that Monday, and his family would not help me. He comes from a family of drinkers and drug use. He stopped drinking completely for seven months because he was on house arrest. It was the best seven months we’ve had together. Although all he could talk about was how he couldn’t wait to drink again. After house arrest he took drinking to a whole new level. Recently he has been drinking until he passes out. He drank an entire case of beer in one night. This has also led to him calling his mother to come pick him up, missing out on work the next day, telling me I wasn’t worth it, and he didn’t want to be with my anymore. I’m currently six months pregnant. Last night his dad came over and we were just casually talking. He drank so much that he passed out in the hallway of our home. I have finally reached the point where I don’t cry anymore. I sat there overtop of him screaming because he needs to be different. He will admit that he has a problem but also says that he doesn’t want help. I can not continue to do this to myself or our unborn son. It is pretty obvious that he would chose beer over us any day. Most of you will tell me to just leave but it’s not that easy. I have been through so much loss in my life I am tired of telling people I love goodbye. I want him to be different but I know he has to want it himself. He almost always has his own way of saying he is sorry and will be a little bit better for a week or so then back to the heavy drinking. I am terrified to leave our son with him. I want our son to have someone he can look up to and be proud to call dad. He has never put his hands on me because he knows that would be my last straw. I don’t want to go but feel that I have to. I’ve tried the threat of “ if you don’t change I’m taking your son and leaving”. He laughed and told me to go and he would make sure to get a super low paying job so we got nothing when it comes to child support. He will tell me that sober or intoxicated. My family tells me to leave and they are tired of hearing me complain. His family knows he has.a problem but continue to enable it. What do I do?