Contraception ..? PLEASE HELP GIRLS

Bell🧜🏼‍♀️ • My 2 angels 👼🏼 My Taurus & my Gemini. ♉️ ♊️

I’ve been looking into different types of contraception and what I think would work for me, pros & cons etc... can you girls please give me some sort of advice if you’ve had these?!

Now please don’t be offended but I’m so small (weight and height) and I have a genuine fear of putting on weight. Like I am scared to become “fat” and I know quite a few contraceptions are contributors to weight gain (although I’ve read that it isn’t the contraception itself, it just gives you a bigger appetite)

The implant sounds okay. But the downside is apparently it starts to give you manly side effects, like you can start growing a beard and stuff lol is this true?!

Also it getting lost in your body etc.

The pill isn’t good for me - I struggle and take tablets (yes I know they’re small, but it doesn’t change the fact I cannot swallow them lol) and they can make you put on weight.

The injection - I don’t mind the sound of, but I know the side effects are so shit and again, weight gain.

The coil (IUD) - I actually like the sound of this. I know there’s a few different ones so if you know please could you post a little info for me?! I’m just worried about the procedure of getting it put in lol

I know there’s other forms... condom, patch etc if they work for you then please share your experience with me!! I need some contraception ASAP