Am I pregnant or is it the plan b?

Today I am 28 days late. My period was supposed to be here in September 22nd. I had sex on September 2nd with a condom and took a plan b pill on September 3rd. My last period was from August 26 to the 30th. I'm not usually regular but when I am late its usually just three days. This is the second plan b pill I've taken on the year too. The first was on February 16th. On September 14th I had sex without a condom. I've had countless tests and all are negative like I had two clinical urine tests and two blood tests and even those are negative. I've been having bad cramps as if my period were to come and I feel like its my period but it's just the regular discharge. I havent spotted, had food aversions, breast changes, I've had nothing just the hip pain and occasional abdominal pain. I honestly hope I'm not pregnant but if you guys can help me out it will be really appreciated. Please dont be mean I know I did wrong but dont be mean.