What’s his real deal

He said our argument last week was the final straw he’s done with it and we rarely ever argue he said I hate the arguing I don’t want any of it

The therapist asked ok so you’re splitting up, I can help terminate the marriage. I’ll be right back

I looked at my SO he looked confused and shocked he said no we aren’t splitting up

Therapist looked confused 🤷🏽‍♀️

She said oh so you’re not divorcing? I thought you said... ok never mind

He replied no we aren’t I still wanna be together

Inside I was like 😂 😐 🤷🏽‍♀️ idk what’s going on

So she discussed all these things and how our message sent isn’t the message received and blah blah blah and how if I say you forgot chocolate ice cream it’s nothing to do with him like he thinks it does...it personally has to do with me and what I want it’s not me saying oh you forgot and I you suck Iol

Anyways he’s changed since that and is more understanding and calmer to things and isn’t all I suck as a man and husband and everything is my fault he isn’t viewing things that way since then

Plus has been very kind and loving towards to me after she explained a lot of information

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