Letrozole Questions


Hello ladies. I have a couple of questions about letrozole.

I am 27 with a low AMH of 1.3, but high FSH of 12. My doctor told us to try letrozole and trigger shot for a few months then move to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>.

We should start in about a week and a half. But I have a few questions. *we will retest AMH right before we start letrozole to know how much it changed.*

1. About how many times do you go for sonograms?

2. I am noticing that people do letrozole for several months. I had only said we were going to do it for two months. Is that enough time? Or should we do more before <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>?

3. How do you move past being anxious to start? I am so anxious and scared. I almost don’t want to do it, because I am so worked up about it.

I’m also overwhelmed because I am a teacher and my clinic is 45 minutes away, so I will have to take off work a lot.

I just need all the advice I can get.