Feeling betrayed by my body..


Last month we had a chemical and I was devastated. It was my first ever pregnancy. The first time I ever got postives tests. When it ended I cried and was depressed and I started reading and researching trying to understand and I came across a bunch of people saying they immediately conceived the following month. So I cheered up some and got back to work, I got a postives LH test 5 days before I should have. We used preseed again, had sex every other day, feet in the air (I know it scientifically shouldn't make a diffrence). Everything we did last month. Well last month I got a BFP at 10 dpo, so this month I started testing on that day until today 12 dpo. Still BFN but I told myself theres still time, not out yet I thought maybe I could even see the faintest start of a line but pretty sure I have line eyes. Well my husband and I did the deed and after it seems as if AF has arrived, 2 days early, no symptoms heralding her arrival on CD 23. FML. Why does TTC have to be so hard. This is month 4 going on 5. A few years ago I previously tried for 8 months with absolutely no results. I'm just upset, I dont know why my body always betrays me. Cancer, irregular cycle, and this...

I'm just angry, my mom always told me to be careful becuase she got pregnant 3 times on birth control, same with my grandma got pregnant 2 times on birth control. So I was always so crazy careful, all so I could get to this point. Wtf...

This months test 10dpo, 11dpo, and 2 for 12dpo.

Good luck and baby dust to everyone out there hopefully your month ends in a BFP instead of this.