Is it my period?

Yesterday, at 11dpo, I thought I started my period a few days early. I've been feeling "off" over the last week or so and had all but convinced myself I was pregnant. I've been unusually hot and emotional and just feel "off." I didn't want to get a pregnancy test until the day of my missed period because I hate getting my hopes up.

Yesterday, after using the restroom, there was a pink tint when I wiped. I also had a sharp pain on my rigjt side. So I thought it must be the start of my period coming. I was also feeling super hot (I've been extra hot and sweaty lately) and even had a slight fever of 99.4.

A few hours later, there was enough blood that I thought I needed a light tampon.

Later, when I removed the tampon there wasn't much blood in it and I was not noticeably bleeding.

Throughout yesterday I kept checking and never saw any sign of blood again! I'm actually slightly dry down there now.

This has never happened in the 20 years I've been having my period.

I think the blood was too much to have been implantation bleeding. I'm so confused.

Has anything like this ever happened to you? Were you pregnant? I was so convinced I was pregnant that I'm really disappointed but also so confused about the blood.