Need Help!!

I have this ex boyfriend that I was with last year (long Distance) and he was great until I found out that he cheated on me. He always calls other girls cute/hot and it really hurt. So I ended it and then he said he was sorry and that he’d never do it again. So I have him a second chance, and he ended up doing it again 3 months later. So I gave up after a year (this year) and we had an on/off relationship. But I ended it officially in August and now we’re like acquaintances but not really. Like I block him and then something tells me to keep him in my life but then I don’t want him in my life. He’s insulted my brother because of his weight, he says hurtful things to me then apologizes for it later. And idk what to do with him. I do love him, he was different from any of my other exes. But I don’t want to date him anymore. I need help..