Here we go again...oh baby!


So far I haven’t said anything to family and friends and unsure when that may come. But however every child deserves an announcement and recognition for being the miracle they are. So for now I will announce here. Almost two weeks ago now, I felt off, just not quite right. Couldn’t put my finger on it, had to pee a million times a day and I thought oh great probably beginning of a uti. 🤦🏻‍♀️ wonderful!

But then that kind of stopped and was better. I was like okay well good. Thought nothing more of it. Then for about 3 days with no other symptoms of a cold/flu I had a constant queasy feeling/ like my stomach literally felt like it was spinning. Nothing helped. I chalked it up to new meds my doctor switched me to because of a recall. Okay makes sense it’ll go away.

Wrong. Didn’t go away and the having to constantly pee literally every 10 minutes returned. And then I was miserable.

I had a bilateral pulmonary embolism occur at 25 weeks along in my pregnancy with my young. I collapsed in l&d and was rushed into icu for several days and several procedures later to save my life and my youngest daughter’s. Since then it’s been a long recovery road, I remain on daily medication several times a day for it and will for the rest of my life. At 34 that sounds crazy. I have been high risk with all of my pregnancies because of a blood clotting disorder, an autoimmune disorder and a gene mutation. After this last pregnancy in 2018 that included that serious medical emergency we decided to halt our family planning and be happy with the family we have. He has a son from a previous relationship who will turn 20 in a few months, I have a son from previous that will turn 8 soon. We have two girls together. Our oldest just turned 2 on the 16th of this month and our youngest will turn 1 on the 28th. We are most definitely blessed!

In moving forward knowing we had decided to love the family we have and halt our family planning my doctors went ahead and switched me to an easier medication for daily use that you can’t use while pregnant. So we were moving forward and doing well. Enjoying our family and watching them change and grow!

I missed my period. Thought nothing of it, knew we had been taking the steps we needed to and chalked it up to the new medication knocking everything out of whack. Then all the symptoms I described above came out of no where.

A few days later my labs came back from hematology that I have to have done regularly. They inform me there’s an abnormality. I panic. They have me come in to see my doctor to discuss. I panic..wait...panic...wait...

Dr informs me my blood work shows possibility of a tumor but he wants to rerun a set of tests to be sure. Tests run, results.

HCG levels 1461 -

I am pregnant.

This was last Tuesday. No idea how far along yet, no idea of due date yet. My period have been out of whack from all the medicines they’ve had me on.

But I am pregnant.

They immediately told me not to panic about being on the new medicine they believe everything will be okay. They switched me back to injections and high dose age and now I have to go back into heavy monitoring by a team of 3 doctors. This is scary. Praying for everything to go well. I didn’t believe it so I took my own tests that night and the next morning. The top two are from that night, digital the next morning
