

So third time this week I’ve seen my doctor. The clomid produces 10 follicles. On Thursday there were 7 maturing. Today 4. But the doctor said to sit this month out because “there are to many and it’s not safe”. No explain no nothing. Just to follow up with my normal doctor and she told me “that’s it you can go”. I’m so frustrated at this point. No one is explaining anything to us. They do bloodwork and don’t explain the results. They do sonograms and don’t explain what was seen. This entire process is driving me bat shit crazy! Excuse my language. I’m just highly upset now. This was our only chance until next year! My husband is leaving for 5 months for training in his new job. He’s also in the military and is always away on deployment when he isn’t working. I seriously want to freaking SCREAM! I’m over this feeling of freaking disappointment! OVER IT!