Is this normal?

Ok. Long story short. So Wednesday night I got my period at like 4:30 pm. (12 hours early according to glow) Full fledge. Super bad cramps days before and then really bad cramps Wednesday night. Thursday I used only a few tampons bc work was crazy and we had 18 activities after school. So used like 2-3 tampons all day. So that’s 36 hours of period. Friday I was sick from work with a migraine and no flow at all. I slept all day and had nothing. Saturday I had slight pinkish tint when wiping only but didn’t use any pads or tampons. I’ve had cramps since, nausea, and tender breast but I have been fooled before! I don’t want to overthink this but let’s be honest...that’s what we do. I don’t feel normal. I have one baby who is 8 who was not planned and I found out I was pregnant on a total whim. No tracking. No symptoms. Legit whim. I have had two failed dollar tree pregnancy tests. Stomach and boobs still feels “different”. Anyone thoughts? Is this seriously just stress screwing with me or what?