Rough night


Tonight is probably the hardest night I've had yet. My LO has been fighting a nap for 2 hours now and just screams at the top of his lungs and is crying real tears. He almost seems like hes in pain, but I've burped him, given him gas drops, nursed him, rocked him, bounced on a yoga ball, put him in his swing, etc. He will be fine for like 10 mins and be happy and smiling and then he'll start getting tired and rubbing his eyes and then just start screaming. I FINALLY just got him to fall asleep in my arms after rocking him and basically forcing his paci in his mouth because he kept pulling it out. He also gets mad and scratches me and pulls my hair when hes fighting naps. Hes been napping fine all day, its just at night when he gets this way. He just turned 4 months today. Is anyone else going through this? Hes usually the sweetest baby ever 😫