Working mom in need of advice


I am a teacher and mother to an 8 month old. I am still breastfeeding which means I am having to pump at work. I pump right before the school day begins and again during my lunch at 11:40...I normally get a 10-15 minute pump in during my lunch. I then pump again for about 25 minutes during my prep from 12:35-1:30. This is my first year at this new school and they require us to meet for PLCs twice a week and often take our prep time 3-4 times a week. During this time, I’m having to pump in a room with 8-10 people. I’m making it work in order to be a team player but on multiple occasions, there have been students in the room or trainings taking place that require me to return to my room and pump. During these times, the admin act very inconvenienced. During one occasion last week, after I walked out, the principle mentioned that they need to find another time for me to “do that” and said it in front of my colleagues. If they are willing to provide me with a different time to pump, I’m perfectly fine with that but I’m the mean time, I feel like I’m doing something wrong. I’m struggling to keep up my supply and am pumping just what my lo needs the next day. I do live in a state with protected rights but I don’t feel that I can really go to my admin to discuss the issue without painting and even larger target on my back. My stress levels with this new school aren’t helping my supply either. Anyone experience a similar situation or have any advice? I’m wanting to breastfeed for the remainder of the year but I’m really worried about making that happen at this point.