Pitbull mama's anyone have tips?! Or advice!

EDIT🚨 I only sprayed him ONE time and I felt horrible for it. I picked him up right after and cried like hell becuse I felt so bad... The look he gave me was heart breaking...

Also as punishment I NEVER hit, slap,spank or tap him... When he gets nippy and nips me i let out a loud yelp then say OUCH that hurts!!! When i yelp he looks at me and seems to know it hurts me.

He is slowly learning biteing hurts me. And if he nips he licks it better...

One thing im haveing HUGE issues with is if he does wrong and I correct him for it my husband literally steps in and says the same thing to him... Its literally pissing me off!!!

Such as if he chews his leash i tell him "NO toy" then i give him a toy. My husband literally turns around and says "nooo dont chew your lesh chew your toy"...i have asked him so many times to please let ME correct him when I Am talking to him.

He needs to learn to listen to one voice.. If you are corecting him i stay quiet. Please show me the same respect... And he STILL does it!!!!

I am afraid that this will cause Remington to have listening issues to obey me becuse my husband is ALWAYS stepping in!!!

First off no rude comments... Im only looking for advice from people who own pits and can help me with tips on how to raise him right!!!

So this is my beautiful baby boy Remington. He is 11 weeks old. He is a amazeing dog i love him to death. He is my first ever pit!!! I'm just looking to see if anyone can give me advice or tips on raiseing him right. He is VERY VERY SMART! He knows basic commands, sit, lay down, ECT.

Im in the mids of trying to train him and break him of his puppy bites. I know he is teetjing but dang them pup teeth are sharp as F""k. I do have a sprey bottle that I have sprayed him with once and it somewhat helps. But I also feel its cruel..

So if anyone can give me advice its appreciated!!! Thanks y'all.