My now ex best friend called me negative and judgemental.. what do u think ?

I have been her friend for 10 years but she is so bitter and says horrible things to me and acts like she's higher above everyone else. I feel bad because we used to be so close and I talk to her everyday but I can't take it... I'm kind of sad rn but I'm sick of being made to be a asshole when all I do is care

My phone screen is broken so excuse any errors


can read this if u want but its some back story on our fight)

But she told me her current boyfriend would force her into sex and use sex toys on her and he was her first and she told me how she would leave her body when they were having sex and shed cry in the shower the day after he also would make comments about her boobs and how they were small and he's just really fucking gross the stories she would tell me horrified me so I told her to leave him and that's not ok and he's borderline raping her and she deserves more so now she's been with this guy for months and she stopped messaging me and talking to me as frequent And then we talked today and I said he was terrible and she went off on me and said this was things from months ago and called me negative and judgmental and that's why she doesn't talk to me about her issues anymore because I'm negative and not everything in the world is negative LOL I'm like dude wtf sorry for giving a shit I blocked her and I'm done 10 years of friendship down the drain but am I crazy ? Idk maybe I am the asshole. Idk how I'm supposed to be positive and supporting when she is telling me he is borderline raping her .