Feel like crap


I guess this is the right board..if it falls u see health? I need help/suggestions..I don’t want to go to the dr yet bc i don’t know that it’s necessary but I feel like shit all the time. I did have blood work done for insurance through my hubby’s work so that may shed some light as well. I am over weight and don’t eat great so I’m sure that doesn’t help. But I’m literally exhausted all the time. My 1 year old is extremely active..like goes non stop and he still gets up at night. I work a full time job and I’m constantly drained at work. I come home get through dinner, bath and bed time and by the end of the day I have zero energy for anything else. I can be irritable and have very low patience which is not ideal with my hubby, kiddo and 2 dogs who all have a ton of energy. I also have very very little. like almost non existent, sex drive. Basically after having baby it never came back. Idk if it’s bc I’m so exhausted or I’m so unhappy with myself or both but that doesn’t help either. My coworker suggested vitamins but other than that idk what I can do on my own to help. Exercise would be great but like I said zero energy. I’ve never ever been like this that I can ever remember either. Sorry for rambling.