going to basic

i met someone who i’ve felt a deep connection for. we only met about a month ago but i just feel differently for him than i’ve felt for anyone, even others in my past relationships. we’ve been crazy for each other the last few weeks, going out together, staying in, just being together. he told me he felt he was falling in love with me. i’m hesitant to feel that way because it scares me in a way, but i really do think i love him too. anyways, he’s leaving to go off to national guard training. he’s going to write me and i told him i am waiting for him because i really really do feel differently for him. he seems so special to me. is that crazy of me because i’ve only known him for a short amount of time? personally, i don’t think so but i don’t know. i’m a freshman in college and he’s a sophomore. i just feel like i’m in a strange situation but i just want to have faith in all of this. any... advice?