Updated: Genevieve Eleanor is three days old and a fighter!


Update: We named our little girl Genevieve Eleanor. She’s still doing well, although she’s had some challenges. She got a little air bubble in her chest cavity and had to have it aspirated with a needle. That seemed to fix it initially, but she was still having trouble breathing. So she had a small surgery to have a chest tube placed. But that went really well and she’s breathing better.

They’ve been feeding her my colostrum, just 1mL at a time. And we’ve been learning to help the nurses take care of her; changing her tiny diapers. She’s also getting light therapy to prevent jaundice.

The funny thing is, I’m still going to be waiting until January like the rest of this group. Premies her age typically go home around their due date.


26 weeks and four days!! She is so tough and breathing great! Just 1 lb. 3.6 oz!

I thought I got a stomach virus Thursday, but I had Pre-eclampsia and HELLPS syndrome. We made it 48 hours for the steroids to affect her lungs, and we are so excited about our little girl!!