MIL called my kid “bubble boy”

So my brother in law got married yesterday. My parents were invited to the wedding and we arranged for them to take care of our 3 month old son for the day as my husband and I were both in the wedding party. It was a big overwhelming day for a little boy and my mom ended up taking him home before dinner. My in-laws offered to watch the baby for a couple hours today so my husband and I could get a little rest. Flash forward to the time they had agreed to and change of plans, they no longer would watch him for a variety of changing reasons. Fine by me, he had been super fussy all day and I finally got him to nap in my arms. Mother In law decides to randomly show up unannounced. Comes into the nursery where I’m rocking a (finally) sleeping baby and says she wants to take him for a walk. I said no, he’s finally sleeping and knowing him, a walk will wake him right up. She seems fine by this and watches him in our home so I can have a nap. Awesome ! She leaves and my husband gets a text from her. She’s mad at me. Says she will no longer watch him without my father In law here ( not sure why) and she’s going to start calling him bubble boy because I said no to a walk today. I’m pissed and take this as a jab at my parenting. He was just at a wedding, he was exhausted and finally was asleep. Am I overreacting ?