Some People are Just Mean


Why is it that some people’s look on their face changes when they ask me if this is my first baby and I say “No, it’s my husbands first but my third”. They are super nice and say how exciting it must be for him, BUT when they ask about my other two kids and I tell them their age which is 22 and 15 the face expression they have changes completely. Like wow, thank you for that look of concern or confusion or what ever it is. Yes I know I’m 41 and I know good and well how far apart the ages of my children are and how I’m literally starting a portion of my life over thats exactly what I am doing with who I was suppose to be doing it with it just took some time to find that person. If I’m okay with it why can’t some people be supportive, I’m not asking them for help or opinions or approval. I didn’t just get pregnant, this was thought out and planned but even if I did that would be fine too! Am I just overly emotional right now at 25 weeks, but the face expressions say it. My husband says it’s mostly people near my age or older and he is so sweet to say “its probably because they didn’t think you were 41 and are shocked because you look younger” I beg to differ but either way.. I’m proud to be pregnant and proud to give my husband the gift of life and the rest can f%*k off!!