

Ttc baby number 5. Bd all during ovulation and usually we get pregnant pretty quickly. I had what I would think to be implantation spot when I wiped about 7dpo with some egg white mucus. IF I ovulated on the 9, and implanted on the 16 then I would be 12dpo with my period expected in 2 days. I used a first response and this is what I got. Hoping af doesn’t show, however I usually start af exactly 4 weeks from the first day of my last period, so that would actually make me 11dpo if so. What are my chances of possibly being pregnant this go around?

This is with the negative effect. I feel like I can see it but I could just have line eyes. I can see a line starting towards the bottom.

Also this is when I experienced random spotting only when I wiped with the mucus 7dpo, in the middle of the day when I was at work.

I took a test yesterday and it looked negative and practically was balling my eyes out. I just really want a positive