Crazy step mum and ignorant dad...


Okay so I have been living with my dad and his wife for the past couple months, I left my mums as there was not much opportunity in regards to colleges etc which she understood and we stay in contact everyday.

Whilst living with them both things have gone downhill so fast. I’ve had her as my step mum for around 7 years. Compared to my sister I have had a decent relationship with her, I have always gotten along with her until just recently.

To explain, she has two dogs which are her prized possession, she treats them like children and are extremely domesticated. I looked past this as it doesn’t really effect me.

However, she leaves puppy pads outside my room for one of the dogs to pee on because she didn’t train her properly, this leaves a lingering pungent smell of pee right outside my door all the way away from her room so it doesn’t effect her, bearing in mind she regards them as her own dogs and no one elses, she is the ‘leader of the pack’ she claims and I’m not allowed to take them for walks at all however I’m expected to look after them all the time when they are out doing something.

Just today I went to the gym like I do everyday, I made sure the back door was locked even though they both say it’s as good as broken. I tested to make sure I couldn’t open it and it wouldn’t open, I am relatively strong so I trusted my instinct and left making sure the garden door was bolted from above too. Halfway through my workout I got tonnes of text messages from my dad saying that the door wasn’t locked etc, saying I abuse the dogs and so on. I love those dogs I play with them everyday, they always run to me when I come back from college and work etc. Anyway, I soon realise that he did not discover the ‘unlocked’ door, it was my step mum. She is known for lying constantly, playing the victim in situations so she does not get any backlash. My entire family despise her, cousins and all because she shows off her dogs at the one and only time we all get to see each other all year, and many other things.

My dad believes her every time and says that I’m lying. It shocks me that he chooses this woman over his own daughter, however not so shocking at the same time as his brother is very successful with a very stable family, all his children have gone to university, so my dad grasps at keeping his wife so it doesn’t look bad on the rest of the family. He takes a photo every year to paint the ‘happy family’ picture which is complete bullshit, I refuse to do it now as it’s just embarrassing as everyone realises that it’s total BS.

Going back to my step mum, she has an entire section of the fridge just for her, they shop at expensive places like Tesco and M&S, go to Cornwall without me twice a year then complain about debt and take it out on me. She buys special dog food claiming they need it for ‘health’ purposes, however they are just extremely spoiled, she even took half of my salmon yesterday from my dinner so the dogs could have it. It disgusts me, that even though I’m happy not to go on holiday and that i don’t care where I eat my food from, it’s the principle that they do these things and don’t think twice about it.

My dad is saving £700 a month because I live with him, yet I have to pay for my own transport to college, pay for my own clothes for winter etc, when I’m supposed to be saving my money for the future.

I am discriminated against at work and my dad says that they are allowed to treat me that way and that I deserve it.

I currently have an application with the RAF, I am sitting a test this Thursday so they can help decide what trade I can go into. I hope that I am accepted so I can leave this god awful place, it’s not a home, my dad doesn’t know the first thing about how to parent, all he cares about is his money and how he looks to the rest of the family. Hell, he can’t even take his own car to football on Sundays and takes my step mums instead because he’s embarrassed by it. It’s a £20,000 car for gods sake.