Will my boyfriend ever grow out of this? Need advice

I'm going to be brutally honest here with my situation because that's the only way to get true advice, but please be kind. I'm emotionally going through the shitter right now over family issues (unrelated to my boyfriend).

Anyway..... I'm 22 and my boyfriend is 24, been together 4 years, living together for 3, and just recently got our own apartment 8 months ago. Things are good and we have an unbreakable bond. He's my rock, most of my family (mom, dad, aunts, uncle's) all left me when i was 16 and he helped me through some SERIOUS trauma. I want to stay with him forever but i feel like a part of him is so immature 🙄 idk if it's just a guy being a guy or if he really is immature. He is obsessed with video games and games on his phone. He works full time to provide for us (i work too, but he works more) and we don't get alot of time to see each other. He works alot of overnights so it's tough. When we do have time, he is always playing his Xbox or his phone games with his friends. We do fun things, but it just gets on my nerves so much. I feel like i beg for his time. If it was up yo him he would play video games and never see me. And that's what fucking hurts I've told him this so many times and he always argues. I told him i feel like he puts games with his friends above me.

For example, of we are on our way to dinner, he'll play his phone game the whole car ride snd i feel like I'm talking to myself. If we sit yo watch a movie, he's on his phone playing. I literally feel like i live alone. I could have a whole conversation with myself out loud and he won't even know. Last night we were watching our favorite show. He would ask me to explain what's going on on every 5 minutes because he was playing. I got angry and snapped at him that if he wanted to know what's going on then he should watch it because i was so done going back and worth. If i ask him to stop playing he just goes WHY? WHY wHY DO I HAVE TO? WHY CAN'T I BE HAPPY? I work all day so why can't i play a game

I want him to grow up, i feel like I'm sooooooo much older than him, i see him as a teenager sometimes. I swear a part of me is so fucking annoyed at him. How do i fix this? He wastes all his time.