Where does your fur baby sleep?

We have a 3 month old Yorkie puppy. He has been sleeping in the sitting room with my 11yr old son since we got him at 6 weeks old (my son has anxiety and often likes to sleep in the living room for a while).

Anyhow, today my son finally moved back into his bedroom, which he shares with his 2yr old sister (we only have 2 bedrooms)

Now I feel really bad that the puppy must sleep alone in the sitting room, which is cold so I made a space for him on my side of our bedroom. But hubby says he doesn't like it. Can't give me any reason specifically. His side of the bedroom is in a constant state of mess and chaos, so it's not a neatness thing at all.

My question is, where do you all let your fur babies sleep? I mean, they also want company. Why should he be all alone?