Life detox


Ok so this may sound strange and hippy dippy . But my birthday was last Wednesday and I said I wanted to do a deep clean and purge my home. Then I became really interested in Feng Shui and keeping everything flowing. I won’t get into the details of Feng Shui itself but god after I moved things around repainted. Everything in my life got better. Feng Shui helps you have separate corners or areas for love , wealth and health. So I’ve been seeing an obgyn for a few months now and so far we’ve only done a pap . Every time I would schedule a sonogram to start looking at fertility treatments it would take forever to get an appointment & we never came to any resolution. Well after I tried Feng Shui my insurance provider got changed and the provider is private and all of their drs are in one location. Lol I got to get all my tests done in one day . Which my first obgyn had me scheduled our until after thanksgiving.

On the weekends I stay home and go work around 10 . (Bartender ) I decided one night to go out with my brother , but then Halfway as I almost reach my brother something says just go to work now. I turn around and still have an hour and a half before I have to be at work I go this restaurant called “the palm” which is a 5 star expensive restaurant. I ended up getting seated at the bar next to me was 5 other guys and they picked up my tab. The day before that one of my friends who plays in the nfl texted me saying he was in dc . I’m a homebody so after work I normally go to bed. He said no come out for your birthday and orders me 5 bottles or 1942 .

I also did some yoni pear detox . I don’t advise doing it but I will say I feel completely happier . Idk I just feel a huge energy shift in my life. I have two day’s left in my fertile window lol so I’m feeling lucky 🍀 I feel like I got rid of a shit ton of bad energy. Also my sonograms looked good and my ovaries looked good. I could chop it up to a good birthday 🎂