Hormones or just an a$$

I dont know if Im just being oversensitive because Im on the come down of my shot or if my fiance has just been an asshole to me lately. I feel so unloved and unwanted he never wants to hold a conversation with me, if we do its just arguing.... any time I suggest me trying to do something new he asks how Im gonna be able to handle all my house repsonsibilities plus my daughter plus ttc, plus selling for a nutrition company and coaching people. Like half my time I feel is just wasted sitting at home, im getting my medical card and want to grow to save money but he thinks im not gonna be able to or ill just fuck it up idk..... also wants me to invite his brothers girlfriend to our wedding and engagement party after she assaulted me and spit on me while I was 6 months preg and told me I deserved being raped, and assaulted and to go kill myself after several suicide attempts. FML. Am i being overdramatic or is he trying to get to me.