I feel alone after having baby and need to vent

If you read this thank you for “listening” to me vent. I feel like I can’t really share how sad I feel since having a baby with people that I know and it makes me feel alone. I had my baby 5 weeks ago and I know I am probably being hard on myself or dramatic maybe. I had a second degree tear and my doctor cleared me.

Most days I really try to be happy but I find myself crying randomly. I miss my old body. None of my clothes fit so I am still wearing maternity clothes. I’m breastfeeding so my boobs look terrible to me right now. I hate being naked and seeing my body in the mirror, it makes me cry. My husband tells me I’m beautiful but I don’t know if I ever will believe him again. I have told him how I feel but I really hate him seeing me cry over the same things over and over. I don’t feel he understands what I’m going through. I just hope I can feel motivated enough to work out to change all this. Right now I just feel hopeless.