Sleep ?



I’m slowly fading away to the delusional phase of sleep deprivation sorry for long post.

So, from birth my baby has been a decent sleeper. Waking 1-2 times a night to feed. At 4 months and a lot of arguing we finally figured out she has an allergy to milk and soy. Has severe reflux and a submucusal cleft palate. This caused her to choke on formula constantly. This then adapted a feeding aversion. We have a entire feeding team behind us. Feedings have improved with changes. However at 10 months old it’s declining quickly.

She weights appx 17 lbs and only drinks 4oz max. We are not able to do thickened liquids. She will sleep from 8-2 typically waking crying every 1-1.5 hours. She will wake with a hungry belly typically can hear it growl with her hungry cry around 2/3am. I will feed her an additional 4oz and lay her back down. She will then wake every 30 min to 1 hour screaming until I pick her up.

I had tried a higher calorie dinner but feeding aversions limit food intake so still doesn’t work. We tried cio but she went through 5 sets of sheets from projectile vomiting in the midst of our timing. We stopped when she tried to hurl herself out of the crib.

At the 3a-4a wake up she’s wide awake talking to me until she rocks back to sleep. I can’t do it anymore.

I have a ped appt tomorrow. I know she’s ear infection clear but idk what else to do. I’m exhausted. I’m just shy of some melatonin.

I don’t want to bed share if I don’t have too. She has been in her own room since 4 months old. When she could sleep safely with out choking.

Sleeping at res lights is frowned upon I guess 🤷‍♀️ so I need some insight on what to do.